(Preached December 3, 2023 – First Sunday of Advent) Isaiah 64:1-9 plunges us into the darkness of a people desperate for God to act. It is only when they can surrender to the hands of the potter that God can do a new thing.
The Tenth Leper
(Sermon preached November 19, 2023) The story of the tenth leper turning back, found in Luke 17:11-19, is a scripture often read on Thanksgiving Sunday. It is a story of appreciation.
Confronting Racism
(Sermon preached November 6, 2023) Using the story of the Samaritan found in Luke 10:25-37, this sermon challenges us to be more than “not racist.”
Building Hope
Building Hope
(Sermon preached October 15, 2023) Charity alone is not enough, we need charity coupled with justice. Additionally, how we extend charity matters.