Category: Sermons


(Sermon preached on September 24, 2023) This sermon concludes the series “Speaking Christian” based on a book with the same name by Marcus Borg.  The objective of the series was to revisit the “big” words of the Christian faith through the lens of a more progressive Christian perspective.  This sermon’s focus is on the word “righteousness” which in the Biblical world is often synonymous with justice.  Amos 5:21-24 is an opportunity to talk about the social world of the Bible and God’s concern for those who are systematically kept poor and oppressed for the benefit of a few. 

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(Sermon preached September 10, 2023)  In the Christianity we have inherited, too often, the word “believe” means agreeing with a list of propositions or doctrines.  When we revisit what the earliest Christians meant by the word “believe” we discover words like trust, commitment, loyalty, and belove.  Mark 12:28-30 is where Jesus sums up all the commandments.  Love God, love what God loves, love the way God loves. That is what it means to believe.

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(Sermon preached August 20, 2023) This is the third sermon in a series titled “Speaking Christian” loosely based on a book by the same name by Marcus Borg.  Salvation, in recent history, has become narrowly defined to mean Jesus dying for our sins to save us.  Yet, when we revisit this word in its Biblical context – it means wholeness, liberation and deliverance, rescue, transformation, healing…and more.  The scripture is Philippians 2:12-13.

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