(Sermon preached April 28, 2024) The story of the Ethiopian eunuch is told in Acts 8:26-40. Here we see God’s expansive love at work as these two individuals meet each other on the road.
Inconvenient Love
(Sermon preached April 21, 2024) In 1 John 3:16-24, the call to lay down our lives for one another isn’t just referring to grand heroic gestures. Daily, we have the opportunity to lay down our lives in the simple choices we make, like laying down a convenience for the sake of the neighbor impacted by our use of plastics. This sermon recognizes Earth Day 2024 and its theme, “Planet vs. Plastics.”
The Day Mary Roared
(Sermon preached December 24, 2023) This sermon celebrates the courage and prophetic witness of Mary as she joins with Elizabeth and sings her revolutionary song known today as The Magnificat. (Luke 1:39-56)
Please note this is my last sermon until I return from Sabbatical in April of 2024.
A Bundle of Joy
(preached December 17, 2023) Isaiah 61: 1-4, 10-11 is the text Jesus opened to as he preached his first sermon in his hometown synagogue. He reads it like a mission statement, which it is, for Jesus and for us as his followers. It is a holy calling – a calling that cannot be fully exercised without the other gift this passage offers – JOY.
Preparing the Way
(Sermon preached December 10, 2023) Building a highway to usher in God’s coming reign of peace is no small endeavor. Isaiah 40:1-11 reminds us of the leveling, filling, and demolition that needs to be done to prepare the way.