
Where Are You Headed?

(Sermon for Palm Sunday, April 2, 2023) When you read the story of Jesus’ dramatic entry into Jerusalem in Matthew 21:1-11, the appropriate question to ask is “What’s going on?”  It’s so much more than a joyous parade.  When we step back and ask a few questions about this text we quickly realize that we are being presented with a choice; the choice between violence and nonviolence. Our seeking question is “Where are you headed?” We know where Jesus is headed.  Where are YOU headed?

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The Raising of Lazarus

(Sermon preached March 25, 2023)  John 11:1-45 describes the raising of Jesus’ friend Lazarus.  Lazarus has already been dead for four days.  What Jesus knows all along is that this is going to be a resurrection story.  Believing that Jesus is the resurrection and the life; believing that this is going to be a resurrection story, is the promise that sustains us when we find ourselves entombed by the painful and dark experiences that come our way.  We can know that our story will be a resurrection story.  We may not know how or when, but we believe.  And we can help others believe it as they experience the darkness of the tomb.  This is going to be a resurrection story.

Check out this episode!