A place where being Christian is about becoming more loving and more just in every aspect of life
At FCCO we practice radical hospitality to make you feel welcomed and loved.
Where it’s not a sin to be LGBTQIA+
FCCO is an “Open and Affirming” congregation. This means the welcome and full acceptance of gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgender, intersex, queer, and questioning individuals is explicit and celebrated.
Where you are challenged to grow, not conform.
Our hope is that your experience with FCCO will leave you uplifted, challenged, and feeling beloved.
Where the Bible is taken seriously, not literally.
- A place where being Christian is about becoming more loving and more just in every aspect of life.
- At FCCO we practice radical hospitality to make you feel welcomed and loved.
- Where you are challenged to grow not conform.
- Our hope is that your experience with FCCO will leave you uplifted, challenged, and feeling beloved.
- Where the Bible is taken seriously, not literally.
- Where it is not a sin to be LGBTQIA +
- FCCO is an “Open and Affirming” congregation. This means the welcome and full acceptance of gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgender, intersex, queer, and questioning individuals is explicit and celebrated.
To become a member of FCCO individuals come forward during the Hymn of Invitation during worship. At this time the person who has come forward is asked, “Do you want to be part of an imperfect community that strives to follow the teachings of Jesus?” Church membership implies an intentional relationship with a community of faith where gifts and resources are shared, faith is formed and practiced, and a commitment to be God’s light and love in the world is nurtured and sustained.
Note: It is a practice in many congregations of the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) to receive members by asking them to make a public declaration of faith. This is done by asking, “Do you believe in Jesus the Christ….” or “Do you believe that Jesus is the Christ…” At FCCO we understand that people can have a strong desire to follow the teachings of Jesus but struggle with professing Jesus as “Christ.” Because we value inclusion we welcome members who are still evolving in their understanding of Jesus. Following Jesus is a lifelong journey of understanding and practice.
The use of inclusive language is encouraged at FCCO. This means that an effort is made to use gender-neutral language whenever possible. Words to familiar hymns are sometimes changed to be more inclusive. Scripture is often read with attention to inclusive language. Inclusive language is also taken into consideration in the way God is addressed in prayer. Multiple names and metaphors for God are used to expand our concept of God beyond traditional addresses such as “Father.”
Communion is celebrated weekly in the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) in recognition of the love and call that binds us together in Christian unity. At the table we renew our call to discipleship as we remember Jesus’ life and teaching. At the table we speak of gathering, sharing, serving, forgiving, and welcome; following the example of the last meal Jesus ate with disciples and the many meals he shared during his ministry.
In the invitation to commune during worship you might hear the words, “All are welcome at Christ’s table.” All means all, even children. Jesus extends the invitation and it is not our place to restrict or deny access to the table. Historically, the practice in the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) has been to encourage children to wait until they are baptized and receive instruction to receive communion, however, this practice is changing. Children understand what it feels like to be included and excluded and inviting them to partake is a way of fully including them in the life of the church. Parents may feel strongly either way and the participation of children in communion is left to the parent’s discretion.
Every Sunday FCCO passes chalices and plates of bread and matzo. This form of communion is called intinction. Bread is dipped into the chalice and then eaten. An alternative to this form of communion is offered in the front of the sanctuary for those who desire to drink from an individual cup.
When Believer’s Baptism is practiced by a congregation it is accompanied by the practice of child dedication. Parents of a child establish a date with a pastor to come forward during worship to make promises to God and to the child. Parents promise to raise their child in a way that will encourage that child to make his or her own decision to follow Jesus. The congregation promises to be for the child a community of love and support and a model of discipleship. Together, congregation and parents celebrate God’s blessing upon the child.
Baptism by immersion is the practice of being fully immersed in a tank or body of water as a symbol of death and resurrection to new life. We practice “Believer’s Baptism” which means individuals decide for themselves to be baptized. A conversation with a pastor is the best way to prepare for and plan your baptism. The baptistery is in the front of the sanctuary and baptism takes place in the context of worship. This form of public baptism stirs others to recall their own baptism and recommit to follow Jesus. It truly is a celebration!